Young Engineer’s in ASHRAE (YEA) is a group within ASHRAE for those 35 years old and under. The goal of YEA is to get young members of more involved with ASHRAE and provide resources to develop young members. For more information on YEA please visit ASHRAE YEA.
YEA has been a new addition to the Manitoba Chapter and is still forming its roots. The goal of YEA for the chapter is to build the chapter through young membership and increase the level of industry knowledge of the chapter’s young members. YEA events offer a more casual setting to the formal ASHRAE dinners and provide an opportunity for young members to meet their peers and become more familiar with ASHRAE.
More information will be provided as the events near. If you are interested in attending the events please register with the YEA Chair.
Makenna Isfjord & Devon Whidden
Manitoba Chapter YEA Chairs
Top 5 Reason’s to Join YEA
1. Build industry contacts
2. Further knowledge of the industry
3. Keep update with what peers are doing in the industry
4. Opportunity to get more involved in ASHRAE
5. Have fun!